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Transformative Steps

There comes a time in everyone's life when you need to take a step.

Remember every journey starts with a single step. Let's get to stepping.

Want a better life? Get a life coach.

Facebook Live

Stimulating panel discussion with Powerhouse of Women, discussing Time for a changeā€¦ Where do we start??? Part 2
I was just in the closet with Jennifer Barron!!! It was a really fun conversation about relationships during the holidays. Check out the show.

Social Media Posts

Interesting conversations to give you food for thought and transform your life 1 step at a time. These podcasts provide solutions to problems instead of pontificating and further discussing the problems.
Instagram Live
Season 1:Episode 1 - We discussed educational & wealth gap between black men & women. Also discussed why black men can't get promoted in corporate america.
Instagram Live
Season 1:Episode 2 - We discussed racism holding back black men and keeping them from higher paying jobs. Also discussed generational wealth in the black community.
Instagram Live
Season 1: Episode 3 - We discussed what can we do to detour our young African-American males from entertainment to working in demand professional fields?


People don’t think.
Sep 26, 2020 Unfortunately, most of our lives are spent on autopilot. Stop cruising and start thinking. Turn off the autopilot.

Step 1 - What's the best question I could ask you?
Step 2 - What question would you ask yourself? You know what stories you have told yourself and what roadblocks have blocked you.
Step 3 - What is your destination? Where do you see yourself? Where do you want to go?
Step 4 - Why haven't you gotten it yet?

Visit: for your free discovery session.

What is success?
Apr 24, 2020 Success is not just about the destination, it's also about the journey. Some journeys can take you the short route while others can take longer.

Steps to consider:
Are you successful?
How do you define it?
How will you know when you arrive?
It’s time to take some steps toward your goals.

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Changing your future-Part 1
Mar 29, 2020 Here are some tips to help you change your future.
1) What is your primary focus in life (what do you look like when you close your eyes)?
2) What are the most powerful and driving beliefs that cause you to consistently ask this question?
3) What causes you pain?
4) What is the upside of your pain?
5) What is the downside of your pain?
6) What needs were you trying to fulfill through your pain?
7) What do you need to give yourself that you’ve been pursuing through your pain?

Visit: for your free discovery session.

Smart Goals
Jun 23, 2019 How smart are you? Don't allow your hope and dreams distract/derail you from achieving your goals. Develop your goals and make them SMART, the continue your journey one step at a time.

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Action Items
Mar 15, 2019 Why are you not where you want to be... no action items

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Building your squad
Mar 21, 2020 Here are some ways to help you determine if your squad is healthy or needs to be rebuilt.
1) Who are your peers, who are apart of your squad (attaining goals/party animals/standing by the side watching)?
2) Explain how your peers support the results you want (positive reinforcement/negative Nancy's).
3) Explain how your peers detract/distract from the results you want
4) Given the opportunity, who will you spend more/less time? Why
5) Looking at your sphere of influence, Who are you going to lead and Who will lead you?
6) With whom do you wish to develop a closer relationship? Why?
7) Create a list of your most powerful peers and call that your new squad.
Side note - Schedule a meeting at least once per quarter to strengthen your squad.

Visit: for your free discovery session.

6 Steps to Better
Aug 13, 2020 Our world is going through lots of challenges. We're not sure when we will get back to normal and we are not sure what to do in the meantime. We all have a part to play to make our world better. Here are 6 Steps that you can take to help to improve the world that we live in.

Step 1 - Meditate Daily
Step 2 - Smile and wave at strangers
Step 3 - Speak to people/strangers
Step 4 - Fuss less... Understand more
Step 5 - Share your hobbies
Step 6 - Help others

Visit: for your free discovery session.

Approval Junkie
Apr 7, 2020 Today's topic should help you move in the right direction by taking some necessary steps. Are you an approval junkie? Why do you do what you do? Do people's opinions of you matter?

Visit: for your free discovery session.

3 ideas to supercharge you toward success
Jan 18, 2020 3 ideas to supercharge you toward success. Let's get to stepping.
1) Don't be a silo - Collaborate
2) Be brave and be bold, let your haters be your motivators.
3) Focus on what matters, things that will help you reach your goal.

Check out if you are looking for diverse solutions to cultural problems.

Visit: for your free discovery session.

Find your passion
Apr 14, 2019 Steps to finding your passion:
1) Make a plan
2) Put the plan into action
3) Monitor/Measure the plan
4) Tweak plan where necessary
5) Step into your passion.

Visit: for your free discovery session.

What’s worth your time
Apr 16, 2020 What’s worth your time? What consumes your time? What are you doing about it? Are you prepared?

Step 1-Prepare... Be successful.
Step 2-Focus on yourself.
Step 3-Learn something new.
Step 4-Today matters
Step 5-Get to stepping.

Visit: for your free discovery session.

How do you do it
Dec 24, 2019 How do you do it?
-Learn how you do it
-Create a habit
-Step toward your goal

Visit: for your free discovery session.

Mar 28, 2019 A quick guide of things to consider if you are not getting to your goal.
Visit: for your free discovery session.

Feelings Aren't Facts
May 14, 2020 Setting goals are simple when you are focused on the right things. Feelings aren't facts

Feelings = An emotional response to a given situation/circumstance
Facts = Something that you can prove to be true

Step 1 - Write the goal
Step 2 - Write the action plan
Step 3 - Measure the progress (Failure does not mean quitting... Keep stepping.)
Step 4 - Accomplish the goal

Visit: for your free discovery session.

What's your legacy?
Aug 18, 2020 What will people say about you? Will they remember that you helped them, made them smile, touched/changed their life, or hurt them, gave them bad advice, lead them down a dark path. If you are concerned about your legacy visit me for help and guidance.

Visit: for your free discovery session.

Words Create
Jul 16, 2020 The words that come out of your mouth will create the world that you see... be careful of what you say. Speak life.

Step 1- Conceive what you want - DREAM
Step 2- Say what you want - SPEAK
Step 3- Work toward what you want - ACT
Step 4- See what you want - RECEIVE

Visit: for your free discovery session.

Goal Setting
May 9, 2020 Your destination is just a few steps away. Let's get to stepping

Goal Setting
Step 1-Think about what you want and write it down.
Step 2-Decide exactly what you want and write it down.
Step 3- Execute on the goal. Don't talk about it, do it!

Visit: for your free discovery session.

Changing your Future - Part 2
31 views Apr 6, 2020 This video is for everyone who is concerned about what's going on in the world and what you are going to do next.
Step 1 - Don’t Panic - Everything will be fine
Step 2 - Breathe
Step 3 - Focus on the best version of you
Step 4 - Get to Stepping

Suggested books:
Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates
Black Fortunes: The Story of the First Six African Americans Who Escaped Slavery and Became Millionaires by Shomari Wills

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Losing is GREAT!!!
Apr 19, 2019 Losing leads to reflection which leads to focus which leads to GREAT!!!

Visit: for your free discovery session.

Best Me!
Mar 3, 2019 Become the best me I can be.

Visit: for your free discovery session.